Exploring the Benefits of SwiftWall® in Disaster Recovery Efforts

Exploring the Benefits of SwiftWall® in Disaster Recovery Efforts

Efforts during disaster recovery must not only be swift, they also need to be nimble and accommodating for both victims and workers. The changing needs of the recovery effort require shelter and assembly areas to be adaptable just as they are secure without the overextension of disaster units. After all, disaster recovery isn’t meant to be burdensome but rather efficient and wholesome  to make individuals safe.

In this article, we take a look at the typical needs of disaster recovery efforts and explain how utilizing modular temporary wall systems can dramatically increase efficiency and the flexibility of recovery areas and their operations.

Understanding the Needs of Disaster Recovery Efforts

It’s easy to erect disaster relief tents, even large ones, but sectioning the interior is where things can be difficult. Not only are there many more moving parts, but they likely will need to be reassembled to accommodate the changing situation of disaster recovery. 

Depending on the severity of the disaster, typically recovery structures make use of their large open area to provide immediate shelter and care. This might contain beds for treating the wounded, tables for distributing supplies to personnel and food stuffs to victims, and storage “areas” where boxes of said supplies and food can be stacked and organized.

As the effort progresses and personnel can assess the situation, it makes sense to use the space more efficiently. To separate individuals by the intensity of their wounds, by individual groups of families, or by individual needs of relief effort staff, there needs to be a better way to create separate spaces.

Enter SwiftWall® modular wall systems.

Arming Disaster Recovery Efforts with SwiftWall® Temporary Wall Systems

Arming Disaster Recovery Efforts with SwiftWall® Temporary Wall Systems

Modern temporary wall systems are a great solution for disaster recovery efforts in that they can quickly be implemented and rearranged as needed for partitioning. Unlike in construction where temporary walls are actual walls of studs and drywall that are built to contain dust and debris or create separation from construction from ongoing activity, temporary wall systems like those from SwiftWall® are prefabricated and ready to be put together swiftly, which is the name of the game in disaster recovery efforts.

SwiftWall® temporary wall systems can be deployed effectively for the variety of needs in disaster recovery:

SwiftWall® Pro

an image of a SwiftWall® Pro that could be used for disaster recovery efforts

SwiftWall’s flagship product, SwiftWall® Pro is a lightweight temporary wall system that offers a simple track and panel system made of non-hygroscopic ABS. Lightweight, durable, and easy to handle, SwiftWall® Pro panels come in 4, 8, 10, 12 and 16 ft. heights, has an STC21 sound rating to keep noise down, and a Class C flame spread rating with optional Class A aluminum skins, and is easily reconfigured for the changing needs of disaster recovery. Best of all, the system is reusable over 20 times and can be recycled at the end of its life cycle.

SwiftWall® Flex

an image of a SwiftWall® Flex that could be used for disaster recovery efforts

As well as the benefits of SwiftWall® Pro, SwiftWall® Flex temporary wall systems consist of interlocking, adjustable height panels. Various top and floor mounting options are available, as well as optional components like doors and windows. Due to the ability to provide tight seals to variable height ceilings, SwiftWall® Flex is an excellent option in disaster recovery efforts where medical treatment is a priority, such as pandemic response situations.

SwiftWall® Max

an image of a SwiftWall® Max that could be used for disaster recovery efforts

For disaster recovery efforts where durability and strength need to be prioritized, such as during ongoing severe weather situations, SwiftWall® Max offers a highly engineered wall system for load-bearing applications, including situations involving high wind and seismic activity, like earthquakes. Non-porous, non-combustible, weather resistant marine aluminum panels keep severe weather at bay to protect the disaster recovery activities and can also be reused as part of a community disaster recovery arsenal.

SwiftWall® Lite

an image of a SwiftWall® Lite that could be used for disaster recovery efforts

SwiftWall® Lite is an economical option that can provide effective, rapid partitioning without the bells and whistles that may be needed for specific disasters. SwiftWall® Lite shares the quick installation feature, is extremely lightweight, and is suitable for multiple reuses. The Lite version is ideal for projects where cost and efficiency are key concerns, so would be a great choice for organizations that routinely deploy for mild to severe disasters that need a relatively inexpensive yet effective partitioning system.

Deploy the Best Disaster Recovery Effort with Swiftwall® Modular Wall Systems

Deploy the Best Disaster Recovery Effort with Swiftwall® Modular Wall Systems

When it comes to disaster recovery, the efficiency of efforts is paramount to provide the best help and care possible. The ability to rapidly partition and repartition recovery structures provides the optimal efficiency necessary to organize and act quickly. 

SwiftWall® temporary wall systems are a fantastic tool to answer this call by offering a variety of options that can meet the needs of any type of disaster. Reach out to our team today and we can help you decide on the right selection of our systems to have you prepared the next time disaster strikes.


SwiftWall® offers temporary walls and construction barriers that provide a simple, quick and sustainable alternative to drywall.
© 2022 SwiftWall®