The Best Modular Exhibition Wall Systems For Events

Exhibitions continue to be powerhouses of commercial activity as they provide buyers, sellers, and community members a special place to share the latest and best. From conventions to trade shows to sporting events, exhibitions allow a congregation of activities that harnesses the power of our communal sensibilities.

That said, throwing events can be burdensome, and the event spaces need to be erected and dismantled quickly. Therefore, there needs to be an efficient and effective way to establish exhibition areas while also concealing the work from onlookers.

Let’s take a look at how temporary exhibition walls—and their impressive modularity and reusability—can be used to make the most of any event or exhibition.

How Events Make Use of Modular Exhibition Wall Systems

Exhibition events are wide-ranging but all require temporary exhibition systems in some fashion or another. 

Whether temporarily partitioning a space, keeping visitors separate from VIP, or creating a foundation for exhibits, temporary exhibition wall systems offer event coordinators a powerful, foundational tool with endless creative potential.

Common Event Types That Use Temporary Wall Exhibition walls

Now that we know how temporary walls are used within exhibitions, let’s take a closer look at a few of the most common events that often use them.

Conventions, Trade Shows and Art Expos

an image showing temporary modular exhibition wall systems being used at an Art show

Conventions, trade shows, and art expos are classic events that bring all sorts of people from around the world in one place for a multi-day gathering to assess and explore what’s happening in their field. Because these events are often held at hotels or large buildings,  temporary exhibition walls modularly help “redesign” the convention space to help physically guide participants to where they need to go and break up the main convention area into sections or booths. They can also be used as high-end signage displays to help spatially organize the event.

Golf Tournaments and Sporting Events

an image showing a modular wall system in the hallway of a golf facility

Sporting events, whether big or small, are exciting events for patrons, and they make an excellent place for temporary wall systems. 

One of the best examples is how golf courses are routinely reconfigured to host major tournaments. Not only does a typical open space need to be partitioned, but VIPs, such as professional golfers and associated staff, need to be separated from attendees.

 Modular exhibition wall systems are the perfect solution. Not only do they offer a way to partition spaces rapidly, but they can also be dismantled at the end of a tournament quickly—and even be reused for future ones.

 Modern systems like SwiftWall® can also be fashioned as intriguing branding and marketing displays for advertisers or sponsors sporting events.

Education Events

Schools and universities often make use of events such as science and art fairs to give students a special opportunity to showcase their work and projects to families and friends. 

Although often held in gymnasiums or other large spaces on campus, science fairs, art fairs, book fairs can be aided immensely by temporary wall systems.

Corporate and Community Events

Whether at the local community center or a corporate office, hosting events from time to time is a great way to encourage members or employees to get actively involved.

While community centers and corporate offices are designed for their day-to-day activity, using modular wall systems to partition them into something new is a great way to make events feel and look special rather than the same environment.

Choosing the Right Modular Exhibition Wall System

When it comes to selecting the right exhibition wall system, there are 5 key aspects to look for:

1. Modularity

This goes almost without saying, but the right temporary wall system for exhibitions and events needs to have a high degree of modularity in order to be creatively useful no matter the layout of the structure or space where the vent will be held.

2. Durability

Modular wall systems for events need to be durable. Because partitions and wall systems are temporary, this means they aren’t as strong as permanent structures, but that doesn’t mean that they have to be weak. 

There is nothing worse than relying on partition systems that easily blow over in an outdoor event from some gusty winds. Modern temporary wall systems are lightweight and durable so they can be quickly installed yet stand strong throughout the event. The best of modern wall systems are also reusable, showing just how durable their construction is.

3. Ease of Install

Events and exhibitions come and go very quickly. From what may have been an empty convention center one day could have hundreds of booths and thousands of people the next. To achieve this, temporary wall systems need to be easy to install. Some of the best modern wall systems can be installed by 1 or 2 people, especially the ones from SwiftWall®, which often allow attention to be diverted to more time-costly aspects of the event. 

4. Reusability

Whether a community center, school, corporate office, or hotel that plans to have and host events and exhibitions long into the future, it pays to have temporary wall systems that can be reused, and reused many, many times. There is a balance of reusability, durability, and ease of install that needs to be assessed to find the ideal wall system for not only one event, but many others.

5. Brandability

One huge bonus that can be attained by selecting the right exhibition wall system is to choose one that can have graphics and branding added. 

While achieving a great event on short timescales is all about getting it put together efficiently and quickly, ideally there should also be attention paid to aesthetics. By selecting not only an aesthetically pleasing temporary wall system, but one that can feature branding, graphics, or even interactive displays, you can create an opportunity to boost interest and the overall look of the event—as well as provide a canvas for advertising to further boost revenue.

The Best Temporary and Modular Exhibition Wall Systems: SwiftWall®

The Best Temporary and Modular Exhibition Wall Systems: SwiftWall®

SwiftWall® offers the best in modern modular temporary wall systems by achieving the above 5 requirements and more. With a marked history of being utilized for events and exhibitions, SwiftWall® stands as the go-to supplier of modular temporary wall systems.

SwiftWall® Pro Modular Exhibition Wall System

SwiftWall® Pro, the flagship product from SwiftWall®, is the perfect solution for event organizes. Installing 5x faster than traditional temporary wall systems, SwiftWall® Pro installs along a simple track and panel system with aluminum joiners. 

The panel surfaces are manufactured from non-hygroscopic ABS with a textured finish on both sides of the wall for an elegant appearance. 

Featuring an STC21 sound rating to keep noise down and Class C flame spread rating with optional Class A aluminum skins, SwiftWall® Pro stands ready to handle any situation. 

To top it off, the temporary wall system can be reused 20+ times, offering event organizers a powerful tool that can be used not only for one event, but many others. 

SwiftWall® Max Temporary Exhibition Walls

For even more durability and strength, of importance for outdoor events where unpredictable weather may arise, SwiftWall® Max offers a temporary wall system with non-porous, non-combustible, weather resistant marine aluminum panels highly engineered for load-bearing applications, including wind and seismic applications. 

The system is excellent for high-traffic areas as it’s able to withstand everyday wear and tear. With standard panel heights of 8 and 10 ft by 2 ft wide, SwiftWall® Max installs 3x faster than traditional systems and is also reusable and ultimately recyclable

Trust in Swiftwall® for the Best in Modern Exhibition Wall Systems

No matter your event, Swiftwall® temporary wall systems can help you organize your space quickly and appropriately.

Whether partitioning a space, crafting unique exhibition stands, or separating key zones, Swiftwall® temporary systems advance the creative palette and can be dismantled and reused for dozens of future events.

To learn more about our temporary wall systems and the best for your specific needs, reach out to our experts today.


SwiftWall® offers temporary walls and construction barriers that provide a simple, quick and sustainable alternative to drywall.
© 2022 SwiftWall®