Benefits of an Adjustable Temporary Wall System

benefits of a temporary wall system

From entertainment to airports, all industries need renovations. Whether you add new rooms or transform a space to look more appealing, these changes help your facility stay engaging and attractive.

However, ongoing construction projects can impact daily business operations. Construction equipment might distract or disturb customers and degrade their experience. One solution for maintaining renovation progress and keeping customers satisfied is temporary wall systems. You can easily install these flexible construction barriers and separate renovations from buyers. Their easy installation and removal make them faster alternatives to drywall.

Read on to learn more about temporary wall solutions and how SwiftWall® Flex can benefit your project.

What Is a Temporary Wall System?

A temporary wall system is a series of makeshift walls that don’t need permanent installation. These temporary walls, also called construction wall barriers, are simple to install and remove, making them a popular choice for various projects. You can use temporary walls for purposes like:

  • Dividing rooms
  • Lowering distractions
  • Maximizing available space
  • Increasing safety in construction
  • Separating work zones from pedestrians

Project managers often choose temporary walls instead of materials like drywall. You can assemble and install these walls easily without lasting impact on surfaces.

Who Uses Construction Wall Barriers?

A variety of industries use temporary walls to meet specific project needs. Here are a few examples of common industries that use wall barriers:

  • Construction: The construction industry has a wide range of uses for temporary wall barriers. Project managers can apply them as structures in a construction project or use them as separation devices during building. For instance, a construction site in Los Angeles used temporary walls at an outdoor mall to conceal the ongoing construction from shoppers. The walls helped conserve the mall’s aesthetic appearance and kept visitors from entering the building zone.
  • Airports: Temporary barriers are also useful for airports. The walls can encourage traffic flows, create additional storage spaces or serve as divisions from construction projects. High-quality walls can provide a sound barrier between loud construction equipment and the daily operations of your airport. Once you complete the project, you can easily remove the wall and resume regular procedures.
  • Education: You can use temporary walls to help with many educational projects. You could create barriers for events like job fairs or standardized tests. The walls could also separate classrooms into designated areas. In addition, educational professionals could use the walls during a classroom or office renovation. 
  • Entertainment: The arts and entertainment industry is full of quick events and customized features, and temporary walls can help managers design these events. For instance, a temporary wall could help an art curator organize a temporary art exhibit. The barriers can separate the exhibit from other visitors or even serve as a backdrop for projects. Or, project managers often use makeshift walls in resorts or hotels for conventions. You can also use them during construction to hide ongoing projects. 
  • Healthcare: Next, many healthcare facilities use temporary walls to reconfigure waiting rooms, patient areas and more. You can adjust the walls to accommodate rising patient numbers or create more privacy. 
  • Retail: Lastly, temporary walls are excellent options for many retail structures. They can separate customers from mall renovations or create kiosks. Temporary barriers are also great for retail managers that lease locations. You can separate and customize your store as needed without making permanent changes to the location. 

The Benefits of an Adjustable Temporary Modular Wall System

No matter your industry, an adjustable temporary wall can bring many benefits to your project. You can adjust the barrier to meet the specific dimensions of your available space or structure. In turn, you can maximize your project’s efficiency without outside disturbances.

These are more advantages of using a temporary wall for your project:

  • Reduced distractions: Many clients want to remain open during construction. While renovations and repairs are necessary, shutting down completely can cause businesses to lose revenue. However, clients need a way to minimize distractions while construction occurs during daily operations. With a temporary wall, you can conceal construction equipment and partially-completed projects. Businesses can maintain their facility’s attractiveness, and customers won’t be disturbed by equipment sounds.
  • Improved productivity: Unlike drywall or other alternatives, temporary walls are simple to install and remove. Instead of waiting additional time for drywall installation, you can get started right away with these structures. The sooner you begin your project, the easier it becomes to meet important deadlines.
  • Cost-efficiency: Temporary walls are also a cost-efficient option that help you avoid additional labor costs and eliminate needing to pay for additional materials like drywall. Many temporary walls are available as rentals, so you don’t have to make an entire investment for their use.
  • Enhanced safety: Temporary walls can also assist with safety during construction. Healthcare facilities need to maintain safe environments for patients to prevent dust and bacteria exposure. Temporary barriers that meet Infection Control Risk Assessment (IRCA) guidelines can keep patients protected during renovations or building projects.
What Makes SwiftWall Flex Different?

What Makes SwiftWall® Flex Different?

SwiftWall is a leading manufacturer and provider of custom temporary wall solutions. Our temporary barriers exceed the needs of a wide range of industries. 

Our newest product, SwiftWall Flex, is a sustainable and efficient choice for your upcoming projects. This system features adjustable panel heights, allowing you to assemble the exact wall for your needs. SwiftWall Flex sets apart from competing products with features like:

  • Up to 2.5 feet of adjustment: You can shift all standard panels to create a personalized structure for your project. Instead of cutting materials, you can raise or lower the height whenever necessary. And if your dimensions change, it’s simple to adjust the wall and continue with your project. 
  • Meets ASTM E-84 Flame Spread rating: Healthcare construction containment walls must meet flame spread test specifications set by the American Society for Testing and Materials. Every SwiftWall product and system has been tested to meet these standards. You can install them in any healthcare application to safely complete construction.
  • Meets ICRA Class IV and Class V requirements: When properly installed, SwiftWall Flex also satisfies the IRCA’s guidelines for infection control during healthcare construction. The wall’s material inhibits the spread of bacteria, and you can easily disinfect the walls with common cleaners. 

In addition, SwiftWall Flex offers advantages like:

  • Sustainability: SwiftWall Flex is an environmentally friendly option for your site. You can reuse the materials for follow-up projects, reducing material waste. And, each panel consists of eco-friendly materials, so you can recycle panels once you complete your project.
  • Versatility: You can customize and adjust SwiftWall Flex to meet a wide range of project needs. If your plans grow or shrink, you can scale the panels to accommodate.
  • Durability: These lightweight panels are highly durable and able to withstand extensive use without difficulty.
Get a Free Quote From SwiftWall Today

Get a Free Quote From SwiftWall Today

Temporary walls provide a comprehensive solution for many projects. If you want to find temporary construction walls, choose SwiftWall today. Our SwiftWall Flex product can transform your construction project site and help you meet crucial deadlines. And, these temporary walls with adjustable heights can simplify your assembly and overall progress.

To get started with SwiftWall, find a dealer near you or contact us today for a free quote.


SwiftWall® offers temporary walls and construction barriers that provide a simple, quick and sustainable alternative to drywall.
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